Front-End Web Developer


  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • React

  • Git/GitHub

  • Sass

  • Firebase

  • jQuery

  • Terminal

  • Responsive


  • Accessible



picture of nin

Hi there! Thanks for surfing through 🏄🏽.

I'm a Toronto based Front-End Web Developer, who enjoys tackling problems in a creative, resilient, and coffee sipping tea sipping manner. Whilst enjoying these problems I harness the powers of my OCD to produce clean and readable code which allows teammates and myself to be able to debug in peace with less stress.

Coming from an extensive sales background I possess strong communication, teamwork, and leadership skills which translates into my development process by being able to explain why and how certain tools are being used to achieve a desired result. I made the tranistion from sales to development and now I'm able to flex(box) the creative side of my brain which I find absolutely joyful 💖.

In my free time I like to indulge in finance and self-help books. Naturally being a curious person I love to learn various skills and crafts. With the everlasting desire to learn - I've picked up cooking (took a course at George Brown), working-out, journaling, and in the process of starting an online business. I also play video games whenever I'm not occupied by a book or by my curious nature 🎮🤫.

I'm always open to collaboration and currently open to work. Feel free to reach out to me via the contact form below or following the links to my social accounts.

Thanks for reading, and looking forward to connecting with you!
